Sunday, 26 October 2014

Cian Finn Interview

Ahead of his performance at RubADublin with Radikal Guru. Cian Finn found a few minutes in his hectic tour schedule to talk to the Irish Moss Blog.

On a global scale your music has reached listeners far & wide, an artist synonymous with Reggae/Dub coming out of Ireland. Where & how did your musical journey begin?

In Galway when I was 12 years old I found an Island Records reggae compilation CD that a friend of my folks left in our house after a party. I was hooked. 

Following your many summer festival appearances you have just returned from shows in Kenya & Japan. How was your experience?

Japan was beautiful and the people there were really good to me. Its somewhere I've always wanted to visit. The promoters were amazing and brought me to the temples, mountains and cities. The main show was on Mount Fuji at a festival. Kyoto and Osaka were epic. Bumped into James Blake backstage and had an interesting conversation about his first album. 2nd festival was cancelled due to Typhoon so the show was moved to a reggae club with Mungo's Hifi and Part2Style from Tokyo. Class trip.

Billed to join Radikal Guru at RubADublin you have collaborated & performed together before, what might the RubADublin-ites expect from your collective live PA?

Yes, we've worked together for the last 3 years, released 5 singles together and played all over the shop ... Russia, Romania, Finland, Croatia, Poland, Germany, France, South Africa … The show is uptempo sub bass sound system culture inspired dub with conscious lyrics…

How do you find the reggae/dub scene in Ireland right now, and how important from an artists perspective are events like RubADublin and areas like Trenchtown within major festivals such as Electric Picnic?

I've been playing reggae and dub in Ireland for the last 10 years and right now I think is a really interesting time. I've always been inspired by the Irish sound system culture. Rootical Sound System, Revelation Sound System, Firehouse Skank to name a few. Right now its great to see the Revelation Sound running their own area at Trenchtown in the Electric Picnic. They were amazing this year and the area was rammed. Explosion Sound System in Belfast now run a reggae area at Wickerman Fest in Scotland every year. There's a lot going on but there has always been an issue finding the right venue to host big bass events to showcase the authentic sound system vibe properly.  There's a lot of different sides this music and genres that have evolved from it like jungle and dubstep so I think its important for sound system events encompassed the different angles of the scene like RubADublin event is doing. I'd love to see more daytime outdoor events that roll into late night sessions.

Your performances encompass acoustic, dub & spoken word. What can we expect from your forthcoming release and when can we get our hands on it?

My next release will be an 11 track album produced by Prince Fatty. It's being sent for mastering next week so its coming soon. Its has the 1970s Jamaican sound. All live musicians with a dub version of the album to follow down the line.

For all tour dates and further info visit
Cian Finn 
Website | Facebook  | Twitter


Full Line up: 



Advance Tickets available from

Sunday October 26th

Twisted Pepper

Middle Abbey St

Dublin 1

4pm – til late

FREE Admission for the first 100 through the doors B4 6pm!

€12/€10 thereafter.

Visit Facebook & Twitter for further info.

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